About Birds, and Coffee with Steve


9:00AM-11:00AM | Select Thursdays

Cost: Free, but donations appreciated.



  • Steve Broyles is a recently retired college educator who taught outdoor biology courses.  He is eager to meet folks with a little time on their hand during the week who also share his delight with birds.

  • Steve will bring a theme to discuss as well.  Topics might include how the chickadee remembers where it stored food, what is up with the American goldfinch color patches, do birds recognize their neighbors, why do juncos feed on the ground, but nuthatches prefer branches?

Shake the winter-time blues away with this informal weekly gathering at Lime Hollow Visitors Center on McLean Rd.  This will be an opportunity to share observations on winter birds while observing the well-stock bird feeders from the warmth of the bird room with a selection of bird-friendly coffee to sip on.